Women’s Outreach
- ELIZABETH CIRCLE- Our mission is to make durable quilts of good quality for persons in need, especially children. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. No special sewing skill is required and we are always ready to welcome new members. Contact: Jean Petherbridge: 267-969-1888, Petherjean@gmail.com
- RACHEL CIRCLE- Rachel Circle is a women’s circle at St. Paul’s that provides opportunity for fellowship, spiritual growth through bible studies and book discussions, and service supporting organizations such as Aid for Friends,Martin Luther, Silver Springs School, financial support to Laurel House and Norristown State Hospital. We meet the 4th Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. from September through June. Meetings are usually held at the home of one of the members. We invite you to attend a meeting to see what we are all about. Contact: Debbie Sekelewski?dsekelewski@yahoo.com, (215-884-9737) or Linda Hayes lmchayes@comcast.net, (215-990-1863).
- LOIS CIRCLE- Women who are free in the daytime are invited to join the Lois Circle on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the Great Room. Light refreshments, announcements and fellowship begin the meeting. A leader uses the Bible Study in the Lutheran Women Today magazine for the topic. The group prepares favors three time a year for the children at Silver Springs Martin Luther School. Members also bring items for the church pantry at each meeting. During the Christmas season a gift for a resident at the Artman Home is purchased. Other ministry projects are undertaken as needed. Contact: Ronny Kosempel, 215-379-1226, ronnykos@comcast.net.
- LYDIA CIRCLE Join the members of the Lydia Circle the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Great Room for knitting and crocheting. Bring your own project, work on our prayer shawls, or learn how with a group of experienced knitters. Contact: Misty Wagner, mwagner26@comcast.net.
- DEBORAH CIRCLE- The women of Deborah Circle are committed to ministries to persons (especially children) living in poverty through service projects, in-kind gifts, and financial contributions. They also prepare Aid for Friends meals and do Bible study and topics for spiritual growth during meetings. Women of all ages and interests are invited to visit The Deborah’s in the Great Room on the 4th Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Contact: Nancy Stevens, chaplainnancystevens@gmail.com.