Pastor Henrik Sonntag


My name is Henrik Sonntag. I was born in Zwickau, Germany. I grew up under communism and saw the fall of the ‘Wall’ while attending high school. I am thankful for the ministry of the church during a time of oppression. When I came to the United States in 2001 I was impressed with the strong mission focus of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. I recognized that I had a lot to offer to the ministry of the church given my background.God found me in the midst of communism through the faithful witness of my grandmother. Nothing is impossible for God’s grace. I strongly believe that God can find anyone no matter how far they think they might be from him.

As it says in the Psalm 139 ‘If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand will lead me and your right hand hold me fast.  For you yourself created my inmost parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.’

I see myself as an agent of hope in the midst of uncertain times.

We are changing lives together through the power of God in our neighborhood.

I am so grateful for all the faithful people in this congregation. We have fun together, we laugh, we cry together and in all we glorify God our maker.

I love my family who is a source of strength and support for me. My wife Jean is teaching me patience and a positive attitude every day of my life. My son Benjamin and my daughter Julia help me to appreciate the important things in life like a smile, a kiss and a hug. Nothing is teaching the love of God better than the love that is shared with you from a child.