Our Church Prayer Ministry Team is committed to lifting up the needs of our congregation and community in prayer. With hearts of faith and compassion, we pray regularly for individuals, families, and the collective well-being of our church. Whether it’s for personal struggles, health concerns, or spiritual growth, we stand in agreement with you, trusting God to work in every situation. If you have a prayer request, we are here to support you through the power of prayer. If you would like to submit a prayer request, please email or call the church office.

The Prayer Ministry Team individually prays intentionally and daily for members, loved ones, and friends of St. Paul’s members who are in need.

The team meets on the third Wednesday of every month to pray together. If you feel called to join this ministry, please join us.

To request prayers, speak to Chris Garcia, [email protected], office administrator. For further information about the location and time please contact Marlen Livezey.

© 2024 St Paul's Lutheran Church