I began as Director of St. Paul’s Nursery School in December of 2005. We have a caring, talented staff that makes my job most enjoyable. I am proud of the improvements made to the school in my time here. I am most proud of how supportive the teachers are of each new program and I am grateful that they take an active role in helping build the St. Paul’s Nursery School experience. I came to St. Paul’s after having worked in the early education field for 10 years. In addition to teaching, I was a stay-at-home mom active in both our local Pop Warner football league (holding several board positions) and our local school’s Home and School Association (where I had the distinction of being the longest active board member). I was also active in my church’s preschool education program. I directed and wrote the annual Christmas Eve pageant with a minimum of 45 children each year. I co-chaired the bible camp program for several summers. During this time I cared for several neighborhood children after school and helped run my father’s business.
I have three grown children, who are currently all in college! My two sons are both pursuing careers in the special education field, while my daughter plans to follow in her father’s footsteps in the business world.
Being welcomed into the St. Paul’s family is the most rewarding benefit of my position as director of the nursery school. That, and of course, the joy found in being part of a child’s life. As the sign on my desk reminds me daily: nurture little people; grow BIG dreams. That’s what we do at St. Paul’s Nursery School!