
II Corinthians 9:7: Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Stewardship = 3 R’s and 3 T’s

Respond – Respond means we love God and others because of how we were first loved.
Return – Return is being a steward or manager of what God has given us.
Rejoice – Rejoice is contentment found through response and stewardship.*
Time – Time is devoting a portion of our time in service to God’s work.
Talent – Talent is using gifts God has given us for ministry within and outside of our congregation.
Treasure – Treasure is giving a portion of our wealth to support the mission of our church and to demonstrate appreciation for God’s blessings.

Jesus commands us to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves [Matthew 22: 36-40]. This is our Christian calling. We respond to God’s love for us with our gifts to further God’s work in our local congregation, the greater church, and in our community. Feel the joy of giving.

St Paul’s Stewardship Team

Throughout the year, the Stewardship Team promotes our joyful response of time, talent, and treasure, in appreciation of God’s gifts to us. Every autumn, in cooperation with the Finance Team, Stewardship conducts the annual opportunity for members to make a commitment of financial giving to promote the ministry of our congregation, our synod, and the national church. Our generosity is not based on what we can afford, but on how much we have received from God. We promote good stewardship, living according to God’s plan, in the conduct of our daily lives.

Current Stewardship Team Members are Doug and Linda Strachan, Ken Feinour, Paul Ziegler, Cathy Keim and Pastor Henrik Sonntag.